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Club Documentation

The following are links to PDF versions of the Club's Constitution, ByLaws, Policies & Code of Ethics:

Constitution & ByLaws

The name of the club shall be The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association.  The objects of the Club shall be:  [Read More]

Club Policies & Standards

1. All members should adhere to AKC policy. Puppies should not be provided for auction or raffle, but may be donated directly under certain circumstances. (1/1990) [Read More]

Code of Ethics

The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association recognizes our responsibility to the Labrador Retriever breed, and the Labrador Retriever breed enthusiast. As such, we set forth this Code of Ethics to reflect the desire of the membership to: [Read More]

Officers & Board Members

Our Board members each make an attempt to attend and help work at least one club event annually in addition to Board Meetings, All-Member Meetings, and Annual Planning Meetings. Many Board members are also chairpersons for events throughout the year.  [Read More]

Committees & Other Contacts

All Committee members and other contacts/positions within PSLRA are filled by volunteers.  Committees members and other contacts are instrumental in ensuring Club events, and the Club overall runs smoothly. [Read More]


Want to help make our events a success, and join in on the fun?  Visit our Volunteer page to see the Volunteer Opportunities PSLRA currently has available. [Read More]


Want to become a PSLRA Member?  Visit our Membership page to learn more about PSLRA, and to submit an on-line PSLRA Membership application.

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PSLRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Labrador Retriever as an All-Around Dog.

Our Belief Is:

  • A show dog that will not retrieve is not a true Labrador Retriever.
  • There is no reason why a hunting dog should not conform to the breed standard.
  • That Labradors should be well-mannered family members.

To these ends we hold AKC-licensed Specialty Shows, Obedience Trials, Hunting Tests, Agility Trials and Tracking Tests. We also offer Fun Matches and Working Certificates.  We sponsor educational seminars and clinics and publish a newsletter. We urge our members to breed only dogs that will be sound in both type and temperament, and contribute to the improvement of the breed.

We encourage all our members to show their Labradors, as well as work them in the field and obedience ring to develop their full potential, while working toward the Club’s All-Around Labrador Award.  The All-Around Labrador Award is given to Labradors Retrievers with titles in three venues: Conformation, Obedience, and the Field.  The Club also offers a Versatility Award to Labradors who excel in three venues other than Conformation.

Our nearly 180 members live predominantly in Western Washington, but also reside in Eastern Washington, Oregon, Alaska and British Columbia.  Some live as far away as Arizona, California, Vermont, Virginia, and Texas.

If you are searching for a Labrador Retriever please visit the “Find a Labrador” and “Resources”  pages on this site to learn more about obtaining a Labrador Retriever from a responsible breeder.

Club History

Coming Soon!

Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association