Club Documentation
The following are links to PDF versions of the Club's Constitution, ByLaws, Policies & Code of Ethics:
- PSLRA Constitution: PDF Version
- PSLRA ByLaws: PDF Version
- PSLRA Policies: PDF Version
- PSLRA Code of Ethics: PDF Version
PSLRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Labrador Retriever as an All-Around Dog. [Read More]
Club Policies & Standards
1. All members should adhere to AKC policy. Puppies should not be provided for auction or raffle, but may be donated directly under certain circumstances. (1/1990) [Read More]
Officers & Board Members
Our Board members each make an attempt to attend and help work at least one club event annually in addition to Board Meetings, All-Member Meetings, and Annual Planning Meetings. Many Board members are also chairpersons for events throughout the year. [Read More]
Committees & Other Contacts
All Committee members and other contacts/positions within PSLRA are filled by volunteers. Committees members and other contacts are instrumental in ensuring Club events, and the Club overall runs smoothly. [Read More]
Want to help make our events a success, and join in on the fun? Visit our Volunteer page to see the Volunteer Opportunities PSLRA currently has available. [Read More]
Want to become a PSLRA Member? Visit our Membership page to learn more about PSLRA, and to submit an on-line PSLRA Membership application.
PSLRA Code of Ethics
The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association recognizes our responsibility to the Labrador Retriever breed, and the Labrador Retriever breed enthusiast. As such, we set forth this Code of Ethics to reflect the desire of the membership to:
- Keep the Labrador Retriever sound, healthy and free of hereditary diseases.
- Maintain the working ability of the Labrador Retriever.
- Conform to the American Kennel Club’s published Standard of the Breed.
- Be honest in the evaluation of animals used for breeding and/or offered for sale.
- Exercise truth in advertising.
As an aid to evaluating the suitability of stud dogs and brood bitches, we recommend that members only use stud dogs and brood bitches that have met the following requirements:
- Labrador Retrievers are registered with the AKC or a recognized foreign registry.
- Eyes are examined within 12 months of breeding by a board certified Ophthalmologist (ACVO), and found free of hereditary eye disease.
- These results may be submitted to CERF or OFA.
- After the dog is age 10, annual examinations are no longer necessary.
- In the event frozen semen is used to produce a litter, the dog whose semen is used is required to have a current eye clearance. If, however, that dog is deceased, the last clearance within 12 months of the dog’s death or a clearance at age 10 will be accepted.
- At least one of the breeding pair will be DNA tested clear or certified clear by parentage of prcd-PRA Certificate of clearances must be provided.
- At least one of the breeding pair will be DNA tested clear or certified clear by parentage of Exercised Induced Collapse (EIC). Certificate of clearances must be provided.
- At least one of the breeding pair will be DNA tested clear or certified clear by parentage of Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM). Certificate of clearances must be provided.
- Hips are certified to be Fair, Good or Excellent by at least one of the following methods
- Certification by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for dogs/bitches 24 months of age or older.
- A PennHip score in the 50th percentile or higher for dogs/bitches 12 months of age or older.
- Certification by the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) prior to May 2012
- A Wind-Morgan report certifying that dogs/bitches are free of degenerative joint disease; applies only to frozen semen from deceased male dogs.
- Elbows must be certified Normal on both the Sire and Dam.
- Note: PennHip does not certify Elbows.
- Dogs whelped before 5/1/87 are exempt from Elbow clearance requirements and will be marked OFEL N/A.
Preliminary Hip and Elbow clearances are NOT acceptable.
Both dogs of the breeding pair are of sound temperament, and free from disqualifications as described in the breed standard.
Members should guarantee the general health of their breeding stock and their puppies at time of sale.
Only those stud dogs, bitches or puppies who have met the above requirements and have certification may be promoted or endorsed at a PSLRA function.
- This would not include paid advertisements as in the Show Catalog, nor entries at our events.
- It does include fund raisers such as the Stud Dog Auction.
Only those litters whose sire and dam have met the above requirements and dam is owned by a member in good standing of PSLRA, will be allowed to advertise in the Club’s newsletter or be listed with the PSLRA Litter Listing.
Non members may list only one litter and only if a PSLRA member owns either the stud dog or dam, and both meet the above COE requirements. Going forward, these individuals must become a PSLRA member to list any future litters.
Club members do not need to be on the Breeder’s List to list a litter and may list as many litters as they like that meet the COE requirements.
- However, if Non- Breeder List club members list more than 2 litters per year, they MUST meet the Breeder’s List volunteer requirement.
Litter Listings will be limited to 12 weeks with no renewals. After twelve weeks. older puppies may be listed in the “Older Dogs Being Placed” category.
When listing a litter, fees and or proof of payment through PAYPAL must accompany all health certifications of the sire and dam.
The fee to list a litter is $10.00 plus a donation to PSLRA Rescue Fund after puppies are sold.
- In addition to the above PSLRA recommends that breeding dogs and bitches be examined by a licensed Veterinary Cardiologist, and found clear of Tricuspid Valve Disease (TVD) by Echocardiogram.
- Further, PSLRA urges all members to adopt a spay/neuter program, to sell companion animals on a Limited Registration, and take back any dogs, of any age, if buyer’s can no longer keep them for any reason.
- PSLRA members should not supply puppies for auction or for re-sale to pet stores, laboratories or other wholesale outlets, in accordance with AKC guidelines.
- PSLRA members who failure to actively help to re-home a dog they produced, that is placed in our Rescue Program, will result in being banned from the use of the Litter Listing and/or being on the Breeder List.
PSLRA also recommends that its members obtain at least one of the following on their stud dogs and brood bitches before using them in their breeding program:
- A qualifying score in AKC Obedience, Hunt Test, Agility, or Rally
- An AKC tracking title or certification as a Therapy Dog.
- A Bench Championship point in an AKC licensed dog show.
- A judges Award of Merit (JAM) or a placement in an AKC licensed field trial.
- A Retriever Club Working Certificate.
- The equivalent of any of the above by a recognized American or foreign registry/organization.
PSLRA strongly urges its members to exercise good sportsmanship at all dog related events.
PSLRA is a volunteer based club and thus, rudeness in any form towards any volunteer(s) is considered unacceptable behavior.
May 17, 1992; revised August 2, 1996, February 23, 2000, November 20, 2002, January 22, 2003, January 31, 2014