Club Documentation
The following are links to PDF versions of the Club's Constitution, ByLaws, Policies & Code of Ethics:
- PSLRA Constitution: PDF Version
- PSLRA ByLaws: PDF Version
- PSLRA Policies: PDF Version
- PSLRA Code of Ethics: PDF Version
PSLRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Labrador Retriever as an All-Around Dog. [Read More]
Constitution & ByLaws
The name of the club shall be The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association. The objects of the Club shall be: [Read More]
Club Policies & Standards
1. All members should adhere to AKC policy. Puppies should not be provided for auction or raffle, but may be donated directly under certain circumstances. (1/1990) [Read More]
Code of Ethics
The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association recognizes our responsibility to the Labrador Retriever breed, and the Labrador Retriever breed enthusiast. As such, we set forth this Code of Ethics to reflect the desire of the membership to: [Read More]
Officers & Board Members
Our Board members each make an attempt to attend and help work at least one club event annually in addition to Board Meetings, All-Member Meetings, and Annual Planning Meetings. Many Board members are also chairpersons for events throughout the year. [Read More]
Want to help make our events a success, and join in on the fun? Visit our Volunteer page to see the Volunteer Opportunities PSLRA currently has available. [Read More]
Want to become a PSLRA Member? Visit our Membership page to learn more about PSLRA, and to submit an on-line PSLRA Membership application.
Committees & Other Contacts
Other PSLRA Contacts
The following list of people fulfill various important roles within PSLRA:
All Around & Versatility Dog Awards | Mary Jane Sarbaugh |
Facebook Administrator | Shelah Frey |
Facebook Administrator | Stephanie Harris |
Facebook Administrator | Kristen Reiter |
Facebook Administrator | Marlys Swanson |
Field Chair | Jim Olson |
Field Trailer Coordinator | Cindy Olson |
Labrador Rescue | Edith Bryan |
Litter Listing | Lisa McGlothlen |
LRC Western Time Zone Coordinator | Barb Gilchrist |
LRC NW Rescue Coordinator | Anne Swindeman |
Membership Chair | Jill Mahoney |
Newsletter Editor | Laurel McCord |
Newsletter Submissions | newsletter@pslra.org |
Show Trailer Coordinator | |
Webmaster | Cheri Wildes |
Website Submissions | webmaster@pslra.org |
Co-Webmaster | Darlene Pado |
About PSLRA Committees:
All Committee Members, Other Contacts or Roles within PSLRA are filled by volunteers. Committees members and other contacts are instrumental in ensuring Club events, and the Club overall runs smoothly.
Judges Selection Committee:
- Committee Chair: Stephanie Harris
- Committee Members: TBD | TBD | TBD
Junior Handler Scholarship Committee:
- Committee Chair: Submission Contact Information is Included in Scholarship Application.
2023 Nominating Committee:
- Board Member & Committee Chair: Tamaria Hartman
- Committee Member: Denise Hetland
- Committee Member: Cindy Meyer
Rescue Committee:
- Committee Chair: Edith Bryan | e.bryan760@gmail.com | 360.438.5204
- Committee Member: Brenda Hubbard | Brooke-lynn50@hotmail.com | 253.661.9443
- Committee Member: Mary Jane Sarbaugh
2024 Specialty Committee:
- Event Chair: Stephanie Harris
- Event Co-Chair: Katie Somers
- Chief Ring Steward: TBD
- Rally & Obedience Chair: TBD
- Raffle Co-Chair: TBD
- Raffle Co-Chair: TBD
- Trophy Sponsorship: TBD