Code of Ethics
The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association recognizes our responsibility to the Labrador Retriever breed, and the Labrador Retriever breed enthusiast. As such, we set forth this Code of Ethics to reflect the desire of the membership to: [Read More]
Puppy Buyers Guide
What is a Labrador?
The Labrador Retriever is currently the most popular dog in the United States. One reason for that popularity is the amazing versatility of the breed. Labradors excel as guide dogs, in the show, obedience, rally, and agility rings, as therapy animals, as hunting companions, in search and rescue work, and, of course, as family pets. [Read More]
LRC Breed Standard
General Appearance
The Labrador Retriever is a strongly built, medium-sized, short-coupled, dog possessing a sound, athletic, well-balanced conformation that enables it to function as a retrieving gun dog; the substance and soundness to hunt waterfowl or upland game for long hours under difficult conditions; the character and quality to win in the show ring; and the temperament to be a family companion. [Read More]
Labrador Health
Breeding quality Labrador Retrievers is a costly and time-consuming undertaking if done properly. Responsible breeders plan litters carefully, maintain standards and strive to achieve improvement with each generation. Anyone interested in owning or breeding a Labrador Retriever should become familiar with the various medical conditions and appropriate health clearances before deciding to obtain a Labrador. [Read More]

Litter Listing Forms & Guidelines
Do you have a litter you would like to list?
Litter Listing Forms
Litter Listing Guidelines
Please review and comply with the Club's published Litter Listing Guidelines prior to submitting forms and clearance information.
Code of Ethics
Please remember the litter listing must conform to the PSLRA Code of Ethics
Find a Labrador Retriever
Looking for a Puppy?
Nothing is as cute as a new Labrador Puppy! Puppies require quite a bit of attention and participation by new owners. They are also extremely quick to learn. If you would like to know more about the Labrador temperament, and what they will be like as an adult please visit our What is a Labrador Retriever?, review the Breed Standard, and understand the health issues that may affect the Labrador Retriever.
PSLRA Litter Listing
About the Litter Listing
- Listing of current and upcoming litters bred by members of the PSLRA.
- All litters listed must conform to the PSLRA Code of Ethics.
- The owner of the Sire or Dam must be a member of the PSLRA.
- Information is submitted by breeders and provided as a service to the public.
- Listings of breeders and litters are in no way a gurantee or endorsement by the PSLRA of any breeder, or any one breeder over another.
- The listing is updated by our litter listing chairperson approximately every two weeks or as needed.
Looking for an Older Dog?
If someone in the home is not available to be with a new puppy throughout the day, you may want to consider an older dog. Most older dogs are housebroken and have some basic obedience training. They can be left alone for longer periods of time. Older dogs can be steady companions from the outset and may require less effort than puppies.
Other Dog Referral
About the Other Dog Referral
- Listing of currently available other dogs offered by members of PSLRA who are either the breeder, or current owner.
- Other Dogs listed Do Not need to conform to the PSLRA Code of Ethics.
- Prospective buyers are encouraged to ask about the needs of Other Dogs, and why the breeder/owner has decided to place them.
- Many of the dogs listed have basic obedience and are housebroken.
- Listings of Other Dogs are in no way a guarantee or endorsement by the PSLRA of any breeder, or any one breeder over another
- The listing is updated by our litter listing chairperson approximately every two weeks or as needed.
Looking for a Rescue Labrador?
If someone in the home is not available to be with a new puppy throughout the day, you may want to consider an older dog. Most older dogs are housebroken and have some basic obedience training. They can be left alone for longer periods of time. Older dogs can be steady companions from the outset and may require less effort than puppies.
- Click HERE for the PSLRA list of Other Dogs a Breeder has Decided to Place
About the Other Dog Referral
- Listing of currently available other dogs offered by members of PSLRA who are either the breeder, or current owner.
- Other Dogs listed Do Not need to conform to the PSLRA Code of Ethics.
- Prospective buyers are encouraged to ask about the needs of Other Dogs, and why the breeder/owner has decided to place them.
- Many of the dogs listed have basic obedience and are housebroken.
- Listings of Other Dogs are in no way a guarantee or endorsement by the PSLRA of any breeder, or any one breeder over another
- The listing is updated by our litter listing chairperson approximately every two weeks or as needed.