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Code of Ethics

The Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association recognizes our responsibility to the Labrador Retriever breed, and the Labrador Retriever breed enthusiast. As such, we set forth this Code of Ethics to reflect the desire of the membership to: [Read More]

Breeder Directory

The following is a list of PSLRA members who are currently breeding puppies.  The list includes kennel names and the color variations typically bred by that particular kennel/breeder.

  • Select Kennel Name Link to Access Breeder’s Website (if available)
  • Select Link to Breeder’s Name & Email to Access the Breeder’s Email Address.
  • B = Black, C = Chocolate, Y =Yellow


About the Breeder Directory

  • While PSLRA encourages all breeders listed on the club’s Breeders List to comply with the club’s Code of Ethics, PSLRA cannot enforce these standards.
  • We strongly recommend that anyone interested in buying a puppy read the PSLRA Guide for Breeders and Buyers in order to know what to look for when choosing a breeder and a puppy and visit as many kennels as possible.
  • Information is as submitted by Breeders and provided as a service to the public.
  • This list is not an endorsement by PSLRA of any one breeder over another.

Active Breeders & Kennel Names:

Kennel Name & Website LinkBreeder's Name & EmailColorsPhoneCityState
ArtesianMarlys SwansonB,Y,C425-422-4789MarysvilleWA
BlackthornBob & Barbara GilchristB,Y,C360-273-5462RochesterWA
BringanLaurel McCordB,Y,CJeromeID
Brush & MarshBarbara & Mark PilkingtonB,Y,C360-652-3204MarysvilleWA
ChibryJill MahoneyB,Y,C253-797-7779CovingtonWA
ClovercreekKimberly & Chris DotsonB,Y,C253-278-1116RandleWA
Cecilie DregeCecilie DregeB,Y,CStanwoodWA
Country ClassicJulie GermanoY425-330-9316ArlingtonWA
DevonshireAllison RogersB,Y971-344-3909TualatinOR
EverlandStacey ParsonsB,Y, C253-405-5406GrahamWA
ElkhornRob ParkinsB,Y208-569-5397VictorID
HeirloomStacey GnypB,Y.C360-384-1280BellinghamWA
HarlequinDiane SullenbergerB,Y.C360-652-8271ArlingtonWA
Hetland CreekDenise HetlandB,C425-346-1816ArlingtonWA
HimoonLucy Isaacson LogenB,Y206-423-6506SeattleWA
KoaChantel & Al NahoopiiB,Y,C360-770-0637Sedro WoolleyWA
Landsburg LabradorsTami GilesB, YMaple ValleyWA
Legacy Mountain LabradorsDiane JasperY509-674-8229Cle ElumWA
Lincoln Creek ValleyCathy HakolaB,Y360-736-7449RochesterWA
Maple LaneAmy SmithB,Y,C206-588-9189RavensdaleWA
MontviewMatt & Julie Oghigian DVMB,Y,CBozemanMT
MyKissTamaria HartmanB,Y,COlympiaWA
Rainy DazeLisa McGlothlenB,Y,C425-512-7929StanwoodWA
ReiMurDarlene PadoB,Y,CSeattleWA
Rocking "M" RetrieversBryant & Cindy MeyerB,Y253-318-2723EatonvilleWA
SkyfireStephanie HarrisB,Y,CEllensburgWA
SomersunKatie & Roger SomersB,Y509-398-1470QuincyWA
SoundviewMarcy JohnsonB,C206-510-3467KingstonWA
SunnydazeLinda & Hugh MaffettB,Y,C360-961-5269BellinghamWA
Taylor CreekKari AudetteB,C425-765-8821Maple ValleyWA
WindyCanyonAnne SwindemanB,Y,CYakimaWA

Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association