Puget Sound
Labrador Retriever Association
Promoting the All Around Labrador
Learn About PSLRA
PSLRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Labrador Retriever as an All-Around or Versatility Dog.

Become a Member
Want to join PSLRA? Visit our Membership page to learn more about the Club, and to submit an on-line Membership application.
About Labradors
The Labrador Retriever remains the most popular breed in the United States due to its amazing temperament and versatility.
Want to help PSLRA make our events successful? Visit our Volunteer page for a list of current PSLRA Volunteer Opportunities.
Looking for a Labrador?
Interested in adding a Labrador to your family?
Utilize our on-line resources to find the perfect older dog, youngster or puppy.
Upcoming PSLRA Events
PSLRA Supported Entries
PSLRA Working Certificate
PSLRA Spring Hunt Test
Venues & Activities