Donations | Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association Promoting the All Around Labrador Retriever Tue, 07 Jan 2020 19:16:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Donations | Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association 32 32 Donation – Junior Handlers Fri, 29 Dec 2017 05:35:37 +0000 Please Note: PSLRA is a “Not For Profit” Club, IRS 501C7.  Donations made to PSLRA are not tax deductible.

PSLRA has a number of Junior Members who are under 18 years of age and active in Conformation and Hunting events.

The Club’s Juniors Fund helps support our Junior Handlers with education expenses through our Junior Scholarship, as well as expenses associated with handling classes, travel to major events, etc.

If you do not require your donation to be tax deductible, and would like to donate to PSLRA to support our Junior Handlers, please follow the instructions below:

On-Line Donation Instructions:

  • If you still wish to make a donation to PSLRA, all on-line donations are made in $5.00 increments.
  • To increase the donation amount, adjust the quantity up to your desired donation.
  • For example: amount $5.00 x quantity of 4 = $20.00 donation.


  • Pay On-Line: Proceed to check out and choose to pay via PayPal, or the process a credit card through PayPal option.
  • Pay by Check: Proceed to check out and choose the Pay by Check option.
    • If you chose to pay by check, payment must be received within 7 days after the order is submitted.
      • Make Checks Payable to: PSLRA 
      • Send Check to: PSLRA Treasurer
      • Address: Noted as part of check-out process.
  • Once payment is received, all orders will be processed as “Complete”.
Donation – Labrador Rescue Fri, 29 Dec 2017 05:29:00 +0000 Please Note: PSLRA is a “Not For Profit” Club, IRS 501C7.  Donations made to PSLRA are not tax deductible.

If you do not require your donation to be tax deductible, and would like to donate to PSLRA Labrador Rescue, please follow the instructions below:

On-Line Donation Instructions:

  • If you still wish to make a donation to PSLRA, all on-line donations are made in $5.00 increments.
  • To increase the donation amount, adjust the quality up to your desired donation.
  • For example: amount $5.00 x quantity of 4 = $20.00 donation.

Tax Deductible Labrador Rescue Donations:

To donate to a tax deductible “Non Profit” rescue organization, please donate directly to Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue, and specify you would like the donation to go to “Labradors Retrievers”.

PSLRA Donation Instructions:

  • Pay On-Line: Proceed to check out and choose to pay via PayPal, or the process a credit card through PayPal option.
  • Pay by Check: Proceed to check out and choose the Pay by Check option.
    • If you chose to pay by check, payment must be received within 7 days after the order is submitted.
      • Make Checks Payable to: PSLRA 
      • Send Check to: PSLRA Treasurer
      • Address: Noted as part of check-out process.
  • Once payment is received, all orders will be processed as “Complete”.
Donation – Labrador Health Research Thu, 28 Dec 2017 16:54:22 +0000 Please Note: PSLRA is a “Not For Profit” Club, IRS 501C7.  Donations made to PSLRA are not tax deductible.

Each year PSLRA identifies Health Research for the betterment of Labrador Retrievers, and makes an annual contribution based on recommendations from Board and Club members.

If you would like to support PSLRA in these efforts, as well as Labrador Retriever Health Research in general, please consider donating to this fund.

If you do not require your donation to be tax deductible, and would like to donate to PSLRA’s Labrador Retriever Health Research Fund, please follow the instructions below:

On-Line Donation Instructions:

  • If you still wish to make a donation to PSLRA, all on-line donations are made in $5.00 increments.
  • To increase the donation amount, adjust the quantity up to your desired donation.
  • For example: amount $5.00 x quantity of 4 = $20.00 donation.


  • Pay On-Line: Proceed to check out and choose to pay via PayPal, or the process a credit card through PayPal option.
  • Pay by Check: Proceed to check out and choose the Pay by Check option.
    • If you chose to pay by check, payment must be received within 7 days after the order is submitted.
      • Make Checks Payable to: PSLRA 
      • Send Check to: PSLRA Treasurer
      • Address: Noted as part of check-out process.
  • Once payment is received, all orders will be processed as “Complete”.