PSLRA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the Labrador Retriever as an All-Around Dog. [Read More]
Officers & Board Members
Our Board members each make an attempt to attend and help work at least one club event annually in addition to Board Meetings, All-Member Meetings, and Annual Planning Meetings. Many Board members are also chairpersons for events throughout the year. [Read More]
Committees & Other Contacts
All Committee members and other contacts/positions within PSLRA are filled by volunteers. Committees members and other contacts are instrumental in ensuring Club events, and the Club overall runs smoothly. [Read More]
Want to become a PSLRA Member? Visit our Membership page to learn more about PSLRA, and to submit an on-line Membership application. [Read More]
Volunteer Opportunities
How to Sign-up for Available Volunteer Opportunities
- Volunteers can sign-up for available volunteer opportunities on this page in the Current Volunteer Opportunities section below.
- Review the Volunteer Opportunities currently available and select the Find Out More link to learn more about the opportunity.
- The link goes to the Assignment Details Page summarizing the complete details for the opportunity, including how to sign-up.
- If interested in signing up, complete the Volunteer information and submit the Sign-Up button on the Assignment Details Page.
- An email notification will be sent to the person managing the Volunteer Opportunity notifying them someone has signed up.
- Once the person managing the Volunteer Opportunity receives the email notification, they should touch base with the Volunteer confirming they received their sign-up and inquire if the Volunteer has any questions.
- An automated email confirmation will also be sent to the person Volunteering once they sign up.
- Additional automated email reminders can be sent to Volunteers three days in advance of or before the opportunity to provide for last-minute details if necessary.
How Do I Sign-up to Volunteer with a Friend or Significant Other?
- Volunteers sign-ups are tracked in the system by the email address provided. The system will not accept a duplicate email address for the same assignment.
- Meaning, if an assignment has more than one opening and you would like to volunteer with 1 or more other people, each person must sign-up using their own name and a unique email address.
- Example 1: Jane Doe and Sue Smith want to volunteer in the SKC Booth together and there are only 2 openings for their shift. They each need to sign themselves up, or one agrees to sign both up using their individual names and unique email addresses.
- This will ensure the person managing the Volunteer Opportunity knows there are two volunteers and all volunteers for that shift will receive their email confirmations/notifications.
- Example 2: Jane Doe and Jim Doe (husband and wife) want to volunteer in the SKC Booth together and there are only 2 openings for their shift. Again, they each need to sign themselves up, or one agrees to sign both up using their individual names and unique email addresses.
- Again, this will ensure the person managing the Volunteer Opportunity knows there are two volunteers and all volunteers for that shift will receive their email confirmations/notifications.
- If Jane and Jim share the same email address, and do not have individual email addresses, one should sign-up, then notify the Web Master for assistance signing up the second person.
What if Something Comes Up and I Cannot Volunteer?
If you signed up to Volunteer but are no longer able fulfill the assignment and need to cancel:
- Notify the person managing the Volunteer Opportunity as soon as possible.
- The person managing the Volunteer Opportunity will contact the Web Master to have your name removed from that Volunteer Opportunity.
- This will ensure you receive no future confirmations or reminders about the assignment.
- This will make the Volunteer Opportunity available for someone else to sign-up in your place.
Current Available Volunteer Opportunities
If you want more information about volunteer requirements for a specific event, or to learn more about an event prior to volunteering, please contact the Event Chair at the information provided.
Spring Hunt Test: May 4 & 5, 2019
The PSLRA Spring Hunt Test is approaching and there are several volunteer opportunities for those who want to come out and support the Club and get a good intro to Hunt Tests.
We are looking for volunteers to fill the following opportunities.
- Marshals
- Stake Chairs
- Volunteers to work with the stake chairs to help set up and take down equipment
- Workers to operate the Pop and Throw stations
- Gunners (contact the Gun Captain to see if you meet qualifications for this)
- Hospitality (gathering and delivering lunches)
- Test Dogs
Visit Spring Hunt Test Volunteer Opportunities for complete details.